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AOL co-founder on taking the internet to the next level
Steve Case, AOL cofounder & author of "The Third Wave," on internet revolution & innovation roadmap
AOL cofounder Steve Case explains first two 'Waves' of the internet: Built infrastructure, then apps
AOL - Internet A Good Thing
AOL Co-Founder Steve Case talks AOL, internet, entrepreneurship, Kenzie Academy
Steve Case, cofounder of AOL on perseverance in early days to get partnerships with Apple & IBM
AOL co-founder Steve Case on the future of the Internet
The next wave of the Internet evolution
3 Questions AOL Co-Founder Steve Case Asks To Keep Ideas Moving Forward | Jacob Morgan & Steve Case
AOL: From Vintage Internet POWERHOUSE to Struggling Megacorp. Decline Explained…
Steve Case: The Third Wave
AOL co-founder Steve Case visits UofL, sees innovation